Hysteroscopy Specialist

Thomas Lang, M.D., M.Sc.
OB-GYN located in Delray Beach, FL
When patients suffer from abnormal bleeding, a hysteroscopy is the procedure that's often used to diagnose or treat the problem. Dr. Thomas Lang at Progressive Obstetrics & Gynecology in Boynton, Florida is here to provide the diagnosis and treatment that patients need to finally put abnormal bleeding and other troublesome symptoms in the past.
Hysteroscopy Q & A
What is a hysteroscopy?
A hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is used for diagnosis or treatment of female reproductive issues. The tool used in the procedure, the hysteroscope, is a slender telescoping device that's lit from the inside. In a hysteroscopy, the hysteroscope is moved into the uterus via the vagina. The hysteroscope can then capture an image of the the uterine interior. This image gives Dr. Lang the information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
When is a hysteroscopy needed?
A hysteroscopy is most often needed when a patient suffers from excessive or otherwise abnormal uterine bleeding. If you have very long periods, very heavy periods, or frequent spotting between periods, Dr. Lang may recommend a hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy may also be done as a treatment, for example, to remove scar tissue within the uterus. When patients opt for permanent birth control like Essure, a hysteroscopy is done to insert the plugs into the fallopian tubes.
How does a hysteroscopy work?
Prior to the hysteroscopy, Dr. Lang will administer a local anesthetic to prevent pain. A speculum is placed in the vagina to dilate the cervix. The hysteroscope is placed into the cervix and then moved gradually into the uterus. Either saline or carbon dioxide is delivered through the hysteroscope to expand the uterus. Dr. Lang can then visualize the interior of the uterus and the attached part of the fallopian tubes. This extremely detailed view allows Dr. Lang to determine why problems like abnormal bleeding occur.
What is recovery from hysteroscopy like?
At Progressive Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Lang performs hysteroscopy as an outpatient procedure. You'll be able to return home after a brief rest. A minor amount of pelvic cramping and bleeding can be expected for a few days following a hysteroscopy. Either non-prescription or prescription pain medication provided by Dr. Lang can be used to alleviate any discomfort. Most patients are able to go back to work the day after a hysteroscopy. Sexual activity should be avoided for about a week after a hysteroscopy to minimize the chance of infection.